„Nature & Ideology“ ProfXChange I

16. März 22-20. März 22

Would you like to become part of „Nature & Ideology – A Youth Exchange Project Of The Invasive Kind“ in your role as a professional in international youth work? Can you already see yourself planning youth exchanges to Germany, Greece and Israel together with other professionals from Greece and Germany, or even becoming a teamer in such events? Are you interested in learning about how nature and environment protection are instrumentalised to spread right wing ideology and hatred? If on top that you like working with young people on topics like this, you came to the right place and should quickly register for our professionals‘ exchange in March via the form below.

The event will be take place from the 16th to the 20th of March 2022 in Berlin. During that period you will also visit a memorial place in the context of National Socialism and nature conservation.

The project will last for two years. For this reason we would ask for a long term commitment, which means that you should be willing to also take part in our second professionals‘ exchange in Israel in the first half of 2023. The dates for this exchange will be decided by all participants conjointly.

Last but not least a couple of details to the background of this project: „Nature & Ideology – a Youth Exchange Project of the Invasive Kind“ will, over the course of two years, deal with the diverse ways of framing nature and environment protection and their cooptation for ideologies of group focused enmity. At the same time the project aims to also show alternatives towards a humanistic-solidaric approach to nature protection. This will be achieved over the course of three youth exchanges in Germany, Greece and Israel besides the two professionals‘ exchanges in Germany and Isreal. The project is realised in cooperation with our friends from Agrio Rodo from Korfu. In Israel we will also be supported by our new partner Irgun Jeckes.

When? 16th – 20th of March 2022
Where? Berlin with field trip to memorial site
Who? Professionals (to be) of international youth work (21+ years of age)

The project is funded by the Ministery of Foreign Affairs.


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